Thursday, July 22, 2010

Howdy Y'all

If you chance to see Logan or Annie this summer, odds are this is pretty much what they'll be looking like. We've adopted a cowboy-ness. It's a good look for these kids and their daddy, since cowboy runs in their veins (me, not so much. My mom had horses growing up, but it was more of a "my father is a doctor" kind of situation than "gotta get them cows milked" kind of thing.)


  1. yay! You're blogging again!! Now I can see pics of all the fun and cute things you make! Your children are adorable. I'm not kidding. Of all the pics I had on my camera of Logan, there was not one bad one. I especially loved the one you took of him at Big Springs. Sooo adorable those two!

  2. Yep, I think cowboy-ness suits them well. They look awesomely fantastic--and I'm sure they fit in with the crowd at Jackson Hole a-okay. I'm assuming Logan did his wink when he did his "Howdy, pardner!" sign?
